Halloween: A Chance To Revive Our Dead Ancestors – The title might make you think this is about Halloween, but there’s so much more to it.

He thought his parents’ wedding rings were lost forever. Then, he got a message. – Could read stories like this all day long. ☺️

So if I use this for my holiday greeting card to fellow genealogists, what should it say on the inside?

Sean Kirst: 75 years ago, life-or-death struggle overshadowed Buffalo high school game with 50,988 fans – Another moving story from my friend, Sean Kirst.

Longing to Belong Led Me to Genealogy – I had the opportunity to do something similar to this with a 96-year-old woman last week, and it’s very special. This tale is heartbreaking at times, but ultimately heartening.

The lack of pockets in women’s clothing has always been a pet peeve of mine, so it was a no-brainer that I was going to read this! And yeah, I’m one of those who enjoys one-topic history – salt, walls, disease, etc.

Top Photo Credit: Sean Biehle under Creative Commons license