Do police have access to your DNA? What to know about investigative genetic genealogy – Good overview of the current state of genetic genealogy.

So now I’m on Mastodon, Post, and – the latest entry – Spoutible. 🐳 If you’re on any of them, please let me know! 🙏

Captured in Time: Syrian Immigrant Sultana Numeir upon Arrival in America in 1890 – I love that after so many years of being a genealogist, I can still be stunned by where a bit of curiosity takes me. This case was a wild ride research-wise. I had no idea where it was going to take me. Grateful to those who choose to read and/or share. 🙏

Museum of Lost Memories helps reunite misplaced family mementos with their owners – Many genealogists do this, but the scale and use of crowd-sourcing take this to another level. ❤️

Photo Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay