Family seeks links to Micronesian ancestry – We genealogists still have so much more ground to cover.

Genealogy book that traces 600 years of S’pore family history to include women for first time – And to think it only took 600 years!

“Said Ms Pang, 51, who is married with three children: “Including women recognises the value of daughters to families. Regardless of their marital status, daughters are breadwinners, caregivers and decision-makers in families. They are often the glue that holds the family together.” …

“As I researched our family history, what impressed me most was how the decisions and efforts of my ancestors, even those made centuries ago, reverberate in my life,” said Ms Pang.

“Family history teaches us humility and gratitude about our place in history.””

AI is getting too smart too fast. I’ve been playing with images, but am now having a go with writing, and I mean, this is a respectable response to my query. 😬

Photo Credit: Paul Williams under Creative Commons license