Genealogy Roundup, July 7
In this week's Roundup: When DNA tests lead to unexpected answers...and more questions, what it's like to be a genealogist on Twitter, and more.
In this week's Roundup: When DNA tests lead to unexpected answers...and more questions, what it's like to be a genealogist on Twitter, and more.
In this week's Roundup: A tale of genealogical serendipity, an interview with an attorney about law enforcement and genetic genealogy tech, a feel-good story of human kindness, chuckles for the day, and more!
In this week's Roundup: A US Army Corporal lost in the Korean War accounted for and welcomed home, a dramatic multiracial love story in Lin-Manuel Miranda's family tree, and much more.
In this week's Roundup: A mystery solved by genetic genealogy, Joe Biden's English roots, fun with an AI artist app, and more.
In this week's Roundup: Remembering being thanked by a U.S. president, Jon Stewart's roots, and a funny public service announcement.
In this week's Roundup: News for Black people with Sierra Leone roots, Paul McCartney's magic piano, Stephen Colbert's roots, and much more!
In this week's Roundup: Tips for using tech to capture your family history, census news, remembering a gut-wrenching genealogical discovery, and more.
In this week's Roundup: A lovely article appreciating those who came before; news about the proposed fee hike that could impact genealogists, historians, and others who use the USCIS Genealogy Program to access historic immigration records; a good read about forensic genealogy, and lots more.
Many are not aware that genetic genealogy has been around for slightly more than two decades. I was introduced to using DNA for forensic purposes back in the dark ages of 1999 when I began my work…
In this week's Roundup: A chat about my work with the Army, remembering Walter Mondale, and more.