Seton Shields Genealogy Grant #214: mitoYDNA

Seton Shields Genealogy Grant #214: mitoYDNA

My latest grant has been awarded to mitoYDNA, the group of collaborative genetic genealogists behind the design, implementation, and ongoing upgrade and maintenance of

This group had a vision for a website where users could upload Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA to create a Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA database. The site also offers DNA matching, analysis and tools to help users and volunteers further their genealogical research.

The website is:

  • Crowdsourced – volunteer-driven.
  • Free – there is no cost to users/volunteers, though donations are encouraged to defer hardware, facility and administrative costs.
  • Accessible to all.

Although server space and other resources have been donated thanks to generous sponsors, there are still a number of expenses associated with running and promoting a non-profit company in the U.S. and grant funds will be used to assist with these. If you’d like to join me in supporting their mission, you can donate an amount of your choice using the donate button on the website’s home page.

You can apply for a Seton Shields grant here. Don’t miss checking out the cool projects I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to over the years, plus an article that will give you a behind-the-scenes peek into my grants program (and might help you increase your odds of being selected when you apply). And don’t forget, the clock is ticking!

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By |2019-09-26T11:48:01-04:00September 26th, 2019|Grants|4 Comments


  1. Mags Gaulden September 26, 2019 at 12:07 pm - Reply

    Thank you very much Megan! We are so excited to receive the support of the Seton Shields Grant! Mags Gaulden

  2. Roberta Estes September 26, 2019 at 5:36 pm - Reply

    I’m so very pleased to see this. Thanks Megan!

  3. Michael Lee Stills September 27, 2019 at 11:29 pm - Reply

    This is great news. Congratulations mitoYDNA and thank you Megan!

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