Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
I'll admit that I have some reservations about social networking - especially since I'm the kind who can get pulled in and lose time to clicking around endlessly - but even so, I try to be accessible, so as you read this issue, you'll discover how to join me (should you choose) on Pinterest, GoodReads, and RebelMouse. Pinterest is especially interesting at the moment as I was unexpectedly invited to the White House for St. Patrick's Day, and took lots of photos!
Since this is an unusually long issue, I'll end here and wish you all a warm and welcoming Spring!

I'm on Pinterest!
Like photos? Then check out my three boards on Pinterest from my unexpected St. Patrick's Day which I celebrated at the White House and by having breakfast at Joe Biden's house. That's me above with the Prime Minister of Ireland, Taoiseach Enda Kenny and his wife, Fionnuala.
I was shameless about playing tourist, so if you'd like a behind-the-scenes peek, take a look. Rounding out a remarkable jaunt to Washington, D.C., the Willard Hotel was fully booked when my husband, Brian, and I arrived, so they gave us the Presidential Suite! I couldn't resist capturing that experience as well, so you'll find plenty of photos of the digs usually reserved for heads of state! And incidentally, those are just three of my Pinterest boards, so while you're there, you might want to check out "quirky tombstones," "genealogy on TV," "genealogy style," "celebrity roots," and others.
Reception at the White House
Breakfast at Vice President Biden's House
Presidential Suite at the Willard Hotel
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January 2014 Seton Shields Genealogy Grant Awarded
A grant has been given to Jonathan Puckett of Richland, MS for planning Clarke-Day-Puckett family reunions, printing genealogical histories on the family, preserving old family artifacts, etc. Jonathan has compiled over 700 pages of related material into two published volumes and is working on a third. He also volunteers his services at local and state archives. And by the way, Jonathan is 15 years old.
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Genealogy Round Up, March 31
'Tender mercies' of MIA accounting
So England now has a show called "Dead Famous DNA."
A seriously colorful cemetery where the tombstones tell tales
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Genealogy Round Up, March 24
Grandfather's Brilliant Final Letter To His Grandkids Offers Life Lessons For The Rest Of Us
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Genealogy Round Up, March 17
Halvor Moorshead, R.I.P.
Celebrating the 2014 Irish America Hall of Fame
So happy to hear this about one of my cases!
Soldier To Be Buried At Arlington National Cemetery After Being MIA For 50 Years
30 Irish Americans making the world a better place - I am beyond honored to have been included!
Famous London paintings meet Google Street View
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Genealogy Round Up, March 4
Generous piece on me by Sheila Langan in Irish Central - The genealogical detective and champion of our ancestors
This boy is my hero - a "gold star kid" in every respect. "Ohio 8-year-old turns $20 into priceless gift"
This 4-Year-Old Makes Paper Dresses With Her Mom -- And They Keep Getting More Amazing
Any of my fellow genealogists on RebelMouse? If so, here's my landing page!
Ghostly images of London then and now
Overdue Angel Island counterpart to Ellis Island's "Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears."
Family Treasure: Hand-painted box finds its way back home to Madison via Philadelphia
Sleepover Highlights at the National Archives
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Genealogy Round Up, February 24
Widower Gets Back Stolen Camera Holding Photos Of Late Wife
Check out these photos from a wedding reception held on Ellis Island!
I joined Goodreads and welcome your company!
Daughter of Civil War veteran passes away
Joyous 112th for Kathleen Rollins Snavely of Geddes, oldest person ever born in Republic of Ireland
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Genealogy Round Up, February 17
Roots Recipe for Tonight Show Host Jimmy Fallon
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Upcoming Events
After traveling around and speaking in 40 states and half a dozen countries since 2000, I decided to take a breather from the road to tend to some projects. That said, I'm sharing a couple of exceptions here (as it happens, 20th anniversary events of two organizations I've been associated with for quite a while). And by the way, you can see if I’ll be in your area any time by checking my Events Calendar.
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