Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
Well, I’m just back from the Legacy Family Tree genealogy cruise of the Panama Canal, and have to say that it was a blast! Almost 400 genealogists at sea for two weeks – and toss in a little zip-lining in Costa Rica! Rumor has it that they're heading to Asia next year, so keep your ears open! If you haven’t already, you might want to check out Legacy Family Tree software and/or their webinars (including a few by yours truly).
I’m also tickled that Unclaimed Persons was featured in the Wall Street Journal (see below) and that the good folks at CostCo were kind enough to include me in October’s CostCo Connection!
I hope to see lots of you in Pensacola, Florida in November as it’s my last speaking event for quite a while. After 14 years of crisscrossing 40 states and six countries, I’m taking a bit of a breather from the road, but I’ll be back!
Wishing you and yours lots of October discoveries!

DNA Stories: Did She Marry Her Cousin?

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Genealogy Round Up, September 23
Charming video from The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. - 93-year-old goes to Ellis Island to learn more about her mother's journey to America.
Simultaneously heart-breaking and heart-warming. Portrait Takes Unlikely Float Back To Family Member.
If you're into genetic genealogy, you might enjoy this video. Just click through to the article.
If you're near Pensacola, FL on Nov 9th, come join us for a day of genealogy! To register, go here and click on Nov 9 entry.
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Genealogy Round Up, September 16

Great piece about Unclaimed Persons in the Wall Street Journal!
Grant Money for Genealogy Initiatives - Seriously.
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Genealogy Round Up, September 9
Trisha's turn! Trisha Yearwood traces roots on Who Do You Think You Are?
What you didn't hear on WDYTYA
Colorado State Univ Prof Helps Actor Jim Parsons Discover His Past on Who Do You Think You Are?
GENEALOGY ROADSHOW | Started Sept. 23rd on PBS (VIDEO)
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Upcoming Events
If you plan to be near any of the events where I'll be speaking, I would love to meet you. It's always a kick for me when folks mention that they read this newsletter, my blog, Huffington Post or whatever, so don't be shy about introducing yourself!
For more information on these events, please see my Events Calendar. And if you're interested in scheduling me, just click here.
November 9, 2013 - Pensacola, FL - West Florida Genealogical Society - "Right Annie, Wrong Annie," "Trace Your Roots with DNA," "Find That Obituary! Online Newspaper Research" and "Honoring Our Ancestors"
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