Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
Hope y'all like my new look. Alyssa, my able assistant, gently suggested that it was time for the newsletter to look, well, a little more 2010-ish. And this is the result. I have to say that I think she's right and I hope you agree.
Lots of great stuff happening in the genealogical world, so here’s a sampling. Happy June, everyone!

Genealogical Round Up, May 6
Did an interview with Peter Barnes re: genealogy: "Finding your family roots - Executive Travel Magazine" Finding your family roots - Executive Travel Magazine
Comics based on celebrity roots: SJP, Brooke Shields, Sarandon, Broderick, Hanks & Obama (w/Biden) Comics: Who Do You Think You Are? | Gallery | Wonderwall
Oh . . . my . . . gosh. I love this photo of my WDYTYA book from @InnerCompass! "Proof that I'm learning a lot about genealogy from @MeganSmo... on Twitpic" Proof that I'm learning a lot about #genealogy from @MeganSmo... on Twitpic
Cremated Remains Build Living Reefs Happy News - Cremated Remains Build Living Reefs
Interesting stats from Randy via Family Tree Mag: "Genea-Musings: Family Tree Magazine sizes up the Genealogy Market" Genea-Musings: Family Tree Magazine sizes up the Genealogy Market
Thanks for the shout-out, Amy! "We Tree: Book Review of Who Do You Think You Are?" We Tree: Book Review of Who Do You Think You Are?
Watch Bruce Springsteen's acceptance speech for Ellis Island Family Heritage Award: Free Immigration Genealogy Videos on Roots Television: family history, Ellis Island, Europe, Germany
Note the question in the Ancestry ad beneath the photo. Apparently the answer is "family." Note the question in the Ancestry ad beneath the photo. Apparently the answer is "family."
Prepare to grimace!
SoCal man gets first name 19 years after birth SoCal man gets first name 19 years after birth - San Jose Mercury News
Ellis Island Awards: A Useful Reminder of the American Dream 2010 Ellis Island Awards: A Useful Reminder of the American Dream
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Genealogical Round Up, May 13
Fun to see rootstelevision video on!
Ellis Island - FREE Port of New York Passenger Records Search
Totally agree re: Walgreens & Pathway Genomics | Whoa Nellie
Thx @khborges for spotting this gem! DNA song that makes geek in me smile
A Biologist's Mother's Day Song
Nice piece by VOA on popularity of genealogy
TV, Internet Inspire Americans to Search for Ancestors | USA | English
Have long been familiar with this story and recently read the book. I recall from a past article that the author isn't a fan of genetic genealogy, but fortunately, that's not a factor in this book, which is an excellent read. It's not the main thrust, but there's a definite genealogical vibe to it as well.
HBO Plans Film of ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ - ArtsBeat Blog -
Have long been a fan of Story Corps: StoryCorps iPhone app helps you share your family's history
StoryCorps iPhone app helps you share your family's history
If you haven't seen yet, charming video of Bruce #Springsteen w/mom & aunts at Ellis Island!
Annie Moore and Bruce Springsteen: Living the Dream
Wow! Nice review of my WDYTYA book
TV series companion guide a great resource for genealogy |
Don't agree 100%, but like this piece!
Your Genetic Profile, Now Available In Aisle 10: What's The Big Deal About Pathway, The New Take Hom
How Ellis Island’s First Immigrant, Annie Moore, Became an American Mystery
How Ellis Island’s First Immigrant, Annie Moore, Became an American Mystery -- New York Magazine
1st & only time my name will be in an article w/Susan Sarandon! "Sarandon Searches For Grandma
Susan Sarandon - Sarandon Searches For Grandma On Tv Roots Show - Contactmusic News
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Genealogical Round Up, May 20
When kin of slaves and owner meet -
BBC News - British Library to digitise 40m of its newspaper pages
genealogy, family history, family tree, Who Do You Think You Are -
First Lady Tied to Southside | ABC 13More on Michelle Obama's roots in VA:
First Lady Tied to Southside|ABC 13
Did anyone see this hilarious SNL skit with Betty White? I hope our ancestors took the Census more seriously than she does!
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Census
Genealogy being spoofed by The Onion! "Tracing Your Genealogy"
Tracing Your Genealogy
Kean University Finds Historic Early Census Count -
Megan Smolenyak: Michelle Obama's Roots: Dozens of Virginia Cousins
Michelle Obama's Roots: Dozens of Virginia Cousins
Great read that includes volunteer grp: Unclaimed Kin in Los Angeles Piling Up
Unclaimed Persons - locate the next of kin for unclaimed persons - every life is worth remembering
Register at Bassett center key to (Michelle) Obama research - Martinsville Bulletin
Register at Bassett center key to Obama research - Martinsville Bulletin
Noted Family History Expert Megan Smolenyak Receives Honors from the National Genealogical Society
Thanks to Vince McCleary for steering me to this video re:
Special Report: -- WHNT
"Historian who traced first lady's roots to speak in Spartanburg"
Historian who traced first lady's roots to speak in Spartanburg |
Congrats, Kim Garvey! Attendance doubles at Davie library’s annual Genealogy Fair
Attendance doubles at Davie library’s annual Genealogy Fair - Sun Sentinel
Researcher concerns re: digitized recs thru NARA’s digitization partners
NARAtions » Researcher concerns about the digitized records available on the web sites of NARA’s dig
Another piece on my girl, Annie! "The secret life behind iconic Irish immigrant Annie Moore
The secret life behind iconic Irish immigrant Annie Moore | Sidewalks by Tom Deignan | IrishCentral
Another great read. Out in paperback if you haven't read it yet!
Steve Luxenberg - Official Website
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Genealogical Round Up, May 27
Megan Smolenyak: No Man Left Behind: Not Just an Expression
No Man Left Behind: Not Just an Expression
Love this! Great idea for past-junkies!
More birds of passage than I thought! "Tenement Museum: What % of immigrants returned to their home lands?
Tenement Museum Blog: Questions for Curatorial: Come and Go
First lady's family tree has deep roots in Henry County - Martinsville Bulletin
Finally got around to adding a Michelle Obama's Roots page to my website. Will add to it over time:
Michelle Obama's Roots - Videos, Articles and Resources
Another state opens records: "Adoptees cheer birth certificate law
Adoptees cheer birth certificate law :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
My latest HuffPo piece -- Bret Michaels: The #Rusyn Roots of the Rock of Love
Bret Michaels: The Rusyn Roots of the Rock of Love
You tell 'em, Chris! via @huffingtonpost: Congratulations, Mom -- Here's Your Graduation Present
Congratulations, Mom -- Here's Your Graduation Present
They're doing it again! "Naked #Irish farmers in steamy calendar shoot
Naked Irish farmers in steamy calendar shoot | IrishCentral
Genealogy - Family Tree, History, Roots - Family Background, Race, Nationality - AARP
As it happens, I'm going this summer! "Discount vacation in Ireland for Americans with #Irish roots
Discount vacation in Ireland for Americans with Irish roots | Irish News | IrishCentral
I agree with Steve Luxenberg of "Annie's Ghosts" - do you? "Dead and gone and still private"
Dead and gone and still private | | Detroit Free Press
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Upcoming Events
If you plan to be near any of the events where I'll be speaking, I would love to meet you. It's always a kick for me when folks mention that they read this newsletter, my blog, Ancestry Daily News or whatever, so don't be shy about introducing yourself!
For more information on these events, please see my Events Calendar. And if you're interested in scheduling me, just click here.
- July 8, 2010 - Toms River, NJ - Ocean County Library - "Cases That Made My Brain Hurt"
- September 18-25, 2010 - 6th Annual Genealogy Conference and Cruise, hosted by Wholly Genes, Inc.
- October 5, 2010 - New York, NY - The New York Genealogical & Biographical Society - "Trace Your Roots with DNA"
- October 15, 2010 - Louisville, KY - Kentucky Center for African American Heritage - "Michelle Obama's Roots"
- October 16, 2010 - Louisville, KY - Louisville Genealogical Society - "Trace Your Roots With DNA," "Beyond Y-DNA: Your Genetic Genealogy Options," "Reverse Genealogy: Techniques for Finding Your Lost Loved Ones" and "Find that Obituary: Online Newspaper Resources"
- November 6, 2010 - Grand Rapids, MI - Western Michigan Genealogical Society - Topics TBD
- February 12, 2011 - Largo, FL - Pinellas Genealogy Society - "Trace Your Roots with DNA," "Reverse Genealogy: Techniques for Finding Your Lost Loved Ones," "Find The Obituary! Online Newspaper Research" and "Cold Cases: Genealogists, Coroners and the FBI"
- April 9, 2011 - Lakeland, FL - Imperial Polk Genealogical Society - "Reverse Genealogy Techniques for Finding Your Lost Loved Ones," "Neglected History," "Trace Your Roots with DNA" and "Cases That Made My Brain Hurt"
- April 28-May 1, 2011 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada - Saskatchewan Genealogical Society - "Remembering Our Ancestors," "Trace Your Roots with DNA," "Beyond Y-DNA: Your Genetic Genealogy Options" and "Reverse Genealogy: Techniques for Finding Your Lost Loved Ones"
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