Honoring Our Ancestors Newsletter May 15, 2009 By Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak
Another busy month -- Anchorage, Alaska to Manchester, New Hampshire (thanks so much for having me!). I hope you'll indulge me if I ask a favor. Please tell your friends (and fellow society members) about all the terrific, free genealogy videos they can watch on www.RootsTelevision.com. There's a new episode of Down Under (our cemetery show), interviews from 2009 conferences in the US, England and New Zealand (look for NERGC next week), and lots of great stuff to watch (on your own schedule!), whether you're into Irish, DNA, books, how-to, or whatever. Folks seem to especially enjoy the fact that you can watch full-screen now, and societies tell us they're showing our videos at their meetings and/or watching to select speakers for future meetings. Lots of great uses! So please spread the word! Thanks! Megan In this newsletter. . .
Genealogical Round Up, April 2 Ah, the joys of siblingship! An education about what happened to
Irish records in 1922: Great opportunity for those of Irish
heritage What do you think? Is it him or not?? Thanks to Family Tree Mag for spotting
this! Check out these models portraying Ellis Island immigrants! I'm
sure this is exactly the way it was for my great-grandparents. This is a really cool record set if you
have any London ancestry. Genealogical Round Up, April 9 This is a piece of good news! Cool find by Thomas! Crocheting while trapped in the rubble.
That's my kind of nonna! If you love ScotlandsPeople like I do,
check this out! no, No, NO!!! First Cologne and now
this. Am I the only one who thinks some of the stimulus money should
go to WPA-type projects to protect and preserve our history? What's
already happened in 2009 makes it seem all the more critical. If you're experiencing a sense of deja
vu, it's because this news came out in the UK at the end of February,
but this is the first it's come out (outside of the genealogical
world) in the U.S. Wish I had the time - especially since
I have Wilkes-Barre roots as well. But maybe this if for you.
Jennifer Rafferty is looking for a roommate to share her Italian
genealogical jaunt! Wow, what a find! Genealogical Round Up, April 23 I'm supposed to be related to Barry
Fitzgerald, so how can I resist?! On my to-read list, but haven't gotten
around to it yet. This sort of blows my mind . . Genealogical Round Up, April 30 Top Irish baby names in America: Don't
mess with me because I'm #4 - "descendant of the brave warrior" Top 5 weird Irish bars: (I made it
to McGuire's when I spoke in Pensacola) Susan Boyle's Irish roots Congrats to Brad Jencks! He also
won a contest we had at RootsTelevision.com http://tinyurl.com/cxnjop Love this from @TheGenealogue - Top
Ten Things You Don't Know About the 2010 Census My kind of story! Little girl's
tombstone headed back to family Another soldier comes home. If you have Scottish heritage,
you'll want to check out this video on RootsTelevision.com Congrats to our recent grant recipient! Don't forget that you can apply here. April 2009 If you plan to be near any of the events where I'll be speaking, I would love to meet you. It's always a kick for me when folks mention that they read this newsletter, my blog, Ancestry Daily News or whatever, so don't be shy about introducing yourself! For more information on these events, please see my Events Calendar. And if you're interested in scheduling me, just click here.
Please forward this newsletter to your family and friends who are interested in genealogy -- thank you! Wishing you an abundance of genealogical serendipity! www.honoringourancestors.com Note: You are receiving this because you have demonstrated an interest (e.g., you have a story in one of my books, applied for a grant, attended previous events, etc.) or subscribed via my website, but please let me know if you do not want to receive any further emails, and I will promptly remove you from my list. And rest assured, this is my personal list and not shared with anyone else! Thanks, Megan |