September has been a busy one in the genealogical world! A new TV series on the way, trouble for 23andMe, and the loss of icon, George K. Schweitzer, to name but three. You'll find all that here, as well as a deeper dig on Tim Walz (was tricky to find his precise place of origin in Ireland!), and for those who might be curious how swiftly AI is advancing, an AI-generated podcast about the research. Add to that two more WWII heroes coming home and a fun deep dive into family lore about Frank Sinatra.
We're buckling down for Hurricane Helene as I write these words, so see you on the other side!
As a professional genealogist of half-Irish heritage, I’ve long embraced the opportunity to underscore the ties between Ireland and the United States, and one of the most obvious ways to do this is to trace the roots of high profile Americans to their place of origin in Ireland.
Below is an AI-generated podcast-style chat about this article that does a surprisingly good job of covering the topic (mentioning this as I want to be transparent about any use of AI). Hardcore genealogists who want details, links, and so forth will be better off reading the article, but I wanted to offer this option for those who prefer podcasts. Feedback welcome!
Note: This is the 100th WWII soldier I've researched who's been identified. 191 overall, but 100th specifically for WWII. The pace of identification has accelerated in recent years.
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