Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
Well, this month's newsletter has a decidedly nostalgic flavor to it. Who Do You Think You Are? is back after a hiatus of 10 years, Dick Eastman reminds us of the genealogical world of 26 years ago, and I suspect many will enjoy the Roots Books interview of Hank Jones by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack (who has yet another book out now!). It was filmed some years ago, but remains as relevant as ever.
In a sense, this issue is almost a genealogy of genealogy! Here's hoping y'all enjoy this stroll down memory lane!
Until next time, keep on sleuthing!

Roots Books: Psychic Roots
We've all had them - those serendipitous experiences where it seems our ancestors meet us halfway (remember that time you tripped in that massive cemetery and came face to face with the exact tombstone you were looking for?). This Telly Award winning video offers a chance to listen to renowned genealogists Sharon DeBartolo Carmack and Hank Jones discuss this phenomenon as they chat about his "Psychic Roots" books, longtime favorites in the genealogical world.
If you're left wanting more after Hank's books (yes, there are two!), you might also enjoy Sharon's "Midlife Medium: A Genealogist's Quest to Converse with the Dead" or my own "In Search of Our Ancestors: 101 Inspiring Stories of Serendipity and Connection."
Click here to watch.
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Genealogy Roundup, July 20

Photo Credit (The Café in the Crypt): Michael Brace under Creative Commons license
9 Restaurants Where You Can Dine Among the Dead – This is exactly the kind of thing that appeals to me and my twisted genealogy friends!
Getty Images Launches Initiative to Elevate Black History and Empower Storytellers
Sandra Boynton’s CHANSON PROFONDE with Yo-Yo Ma – Love this! Perfect for July 14th 😆
Nick Offerman confronts bittersweet ancestral past
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Genealogy Roundup, July 13

Photo Credit: Corey Taratuta under Creative Commons license
“There’s No One as Irish as Barack Obama” TikTok, Explained – So weird to see the aftermath of your research pop up randomly over time.
Billy Porter discovers the real story behind great-grandfather's death and Twitter is in tears – WDYTYA is back, y’all
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Genealogy Roundup, July 6

Photo Credit: Ronile via Pixabay
Ellis Island immigrants weren’t special—today’s newcomers succeed just as quickly – Not the Ellis Island myth, but very interesting! "Their children thrived in America, rising up the economic ladder faster than their native-born peers. And the same is true of immigrants today." The secret to success? Geographic mobility.
The Genealogy World of 26 Years Ago – Long time genies will appreciate this stroll down memory lane from Dick Eastman. What was happening in the genealogical world 26 years ago!
Sanford "Keith" Bowen obituary – Welcome home, Pfc. Sanford Keith Bowen. Honored to have researched your family.
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Genealogy Roundup, June 29
tfw the same soldier is claimed as being both Mennonite and Jewish 
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