Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
Happy April, everyone! Wait, didn't 2019 just begin?
Well, I've got some genealogical bits and bobs to peruse as you enjoy your Spring. As always, you'll find some military stories (including some photos from the memorial service of Capt. Lawrence E. Dickson I just attended at Arlington National Cemetery), but also the latest Seton Shields grant, an entire Indiana town for sale, a 14th century baby boot, some reunion tales, and a Reclaim the Records victory! Here's hoping these tales will keep you company if you're staying inside dodging those April showers!
Until next time, keep on sleuthing!

Hidden Link between Michelle Obama and Meghan Markle in Jonesboro, Georgia

Meghan Markle Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons license
Damn, Jonesboro, Georgia! What’s in your water?
I used to be impressed with the sprawling and highly intertwined French-Canadian family tree that leads to all those one-name women—Hillary, Madonna, Celine, Alanis, and Angelina, among others. But you, Jonesboro—you gave us Michelle and Meghan!
Click here to continue reading.
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Seton Shields Genealogy Grant #212: The Historical Society of Harford County
I’m pleased to announce that The Historical Society of Harford County was the second and final grant recipient of the first quarter of 2019. (You can read about the first recipient, Regina Dillard, here.)
The Historical Society of Harford County is the repository and caretaker of documents and items that demonstrate the history of Harford County, Maryland. The archives include records and artifacts that are open to public review. In most instances, people who do family research are looking for their story, which is not provided in full by just looking at official documents. It is in the archives and other personal collections that the story they are seeking emerges.
The Society sought funding for materials necessary to process and store the 1,088 letters and other documents in the collection of the late Nancy Webster Barnes, which was recently donated for genealogists and historians to research and explore. The letters, each one full of local and family history facts, were received folded in original mailing envelopes and will have to be carefully processed and stored for preservation. All of the letters, records and documents will be indexed and cataloged for addition into the Society's archives.
As a reminder, you can apply for a Seton Shields grant here. Don’t miss checking out the cool projects I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to over the years, plus an article that will give you a behind-the-scenes peek into my grants program (and might help you increase your odds of being selected when you apply)!
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Genealogy Round Up, April 10
For Sale: The Entire Town of Story, Indiana – I mean, even if you weren't in the market to buy a small town, wouldn't one named Story(ville) be tempting?
Found: A Fancy Baby Boot From the 14th Century – You know you're a genealogist when your first thought is whether they could do some DNA testing to learn more about the fancy baby.
We Tried To Find 10 BuzzFeed Employees Just Like Cops Did For The Golden State Killer – So many thoughts . . .
Dear Photograph
96-year-old Mom Reunites with Daughter she was Forced to Give Up 82 Years Ago
Tim Schrandt of Ridgeway, Iowa – Too good not to share.
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Genealogy Round Up, April 3
No Man Left Behind: Capt. Lawrence E. Dickson – After 75 years, Capt. Lawrence E. Dickson was laid to rest on March 22, 2019
Museum reunites family with 140-year lost treasure
WWII veteran, 97, still going strong as grocery store bagger in New Jersey
Genealogists Win in Court! – Reclaim the Records won their fourth lawsuit
The gallery above features photos I took at the memorial service for Capt. Lawrence E. Dickson.
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Genealogy Round Up, March 20

Photo Credit: U.S. Army photograph by Staff Sgt. Michael O’Neal
Fulfilling our nation's promise: DPAA brings service members home – This article does a good job of summarizing the efforts to repatriate those are still unaccounted for from past conflicts.
Reclaim The Records: Using Freedom of Information Laws for Genealogy
Georgia Army soldier accounted for from Korean War – Welcome home, Cpl. James C. Rix. Honored to have researched your family.
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Upcoming Events
After traveling around and speaking in 40 states and half a dozen countries, I decided to take a breather from the road to tend to some projects. That said, I'm sharing exceptions here. And by the way, you can see if I’ll be in your area any time by checking my Events Calendar.
- May 7, 2019 – Morning Forum, Los Altos, CA
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