Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
Happy 2018! Here's hoping this is the year all those AWOL ancestors of yours decide to meet you halfway!
Until they do, this issue has the usual mix of genealogical distractions – the latest grant, DNA (of course), cemeteries, upcoming books with a genealogical twist, more WWII heroes finally receiving their due, a fresh record batch from Reclaim the Records, and a new TV show I really wish they'd import to the US from the UK!
Stay warm!

Seton Shields Genealogy Grant #202
For the final quarter of 2017, I awarded a grant to the Sturgis Library of Barnstable, MA, which has become a premiere resource for the study of Cape Cod history, genealogy, and the maritime trades. Open 6 days a week year-round, library staff answer questions in person, on the phone, and via email from around the world, serving genealogical and historical researchers, students, genealogists, families, and the general public, as well as hosting a monthly Colonial genealogy group from the Cape Cod Genealogical Society.
In 2016, the library constructed a new climate controlled archival storage space with a state-of-the-art fire suppression system and three times the space of their former archives storage space. Since then, 15 new collections of family papers and historical materials have been donated.
To make these new collections ready for use by the public, materials must be rehoused in acid free and archivally appropriate enclosures. The grant will assist in the purchase of materials necessary to this end, including clamshell and lidded boxes, folders, mylar sleeves, and other items.
To join me in supporting their efforts, please consider making a donation via their website.
As a reminder, you can apply for a Seton Shields grant here. Don't miss checking out the cool projects I've had the opportunity to contribute to over the years, plus an article that will give you a behind-the-scenes peek into my grants program (and might help you increase your odds of being selected when you apply)!
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Genealogy Round Up, January 10

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Cimetière du Calvaire – OK, who's going to make me jealous and tell me they've been to this cemetery?
Friends could be family. Family could be unrelated. What people are finding out from DNA sites – Yup.
'A Village with My Name' blends family stories with 20th-century Chinese history – Now this sounds intriguing ...
Futureface: A Family Mystery, an Epic Quest, and the Secret to Belonging – And here's another promising genealogy read (out in March) - this one from Alex Wagner. Will include DNA.
Recently accounted for World War II Veteran from Waco to be buried with full honors – Can't tell you how happy I am that Pfc. Lonnie B.C. Eichelberger is coming home. This was one of my toughest cases ever. Here's what this article doesn't tell you. I'm fairly certain that he fibbed about his age to enlist and that he was only 16 at the time of his death. RIP and welcome home to this hero who gave all.
Revisionist History: The Basement Tapes; Season 2, Episode 10 – I've long been a fan of Malcolm Gladwell (did some of the research on his family history for "Faces of America"), and was just listening to this episode of his podcast. It's oddly genealogical as it pertains to our responsibility to our parents' legacies, so I thought some of my fellow genies might want to give it a listen.
From O Magazine, re: WWII orphan receiving her father's letters
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Genealogy Round Up, January 3

Photo Credit: Declaration Descendants video
Tech ads of 2017: Call of Duty best, Facebook worst – I'm gonna be honest with you. As the former Chief Family Historian of Ancestry, I sometimes get frustrated with their ads. That said, I absolutely LOVED this one that featured descendants of signers of the Declaration of Independence (scroll to the 2nd video in this article).
UW search team recovers remains of airman missing since WWII – Just tripped across this article about the excavation involved in recovering the remains of 1st Lt Frank Fazekas, one of the soldiers I've researched for the Army. He was identified several months ago, but I gather his service hasn't taken place yet.
Recipes for a Tidy and Tasty Death – “A loved one wishes to inherit nice things from you,” Magnusson writes. “Not all things from you.” Um, no. This genealogist wishes to inherit ALL THE THINGS from you. I'll even get a fulskap or two.
Keeping the Family Tree Alive – "Frank Perdue left an endowment for family vacations"
Spanning 120 years and more than 2,000 miles, unique antique unites three strangers – orphan heirloom rescue!
Wanted: DNA from vets who served in S. Korea – Interesting application of genetic genealogy
A house full of history: A compelling new BBC series tracing the history of one house in Liverpool from 1840 to the present day proves real life can be more dramatic than fiction – Please bring this show to US!!
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Genealogy Round Up, December 27
Shuffle off to Buffalo with the first public and digitized copy of their death index – Another victory for Reclaim the Records and all genealogists!
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Genealogy Round Up, December 20

Photo Credit: University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability under Creative Commons license
Did DNA Testing Companies Admit to Altering Tests to 'Screw with Racists'? – No, your DNA test results weren't altered.
Lin-Manuel Miranda on BBC Radio 4 Profile – Don't know if I made the cut (many involved in this), but just did an interview with BBC re: Lin-Manuel Miranda. Whether his roots are included or not, it's bound to be fascinating!
Airman Missing From World War II Accounted For (Keown, R.) – RIP and welcome home, 2nd Lt. Robert Raynes Keown. (Delighted that this soldier I researched in 2012 has been identified.)
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Upcoming Events
After traveling around and speaking in 40 states and half a dozen countries, I decided to take a breather from the road to tend to some projects. That said, I'm sharing exceptions here. And by the way, you can see if I’ll be in your area any time by checking my Events Calendar.
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