Greetings Fellow Family History Sleuths,
So this month we have another Seton Shields genealogy grant, a revealing interview by Marian Pierre-Louis with yours truly, and the usual genealogical potpourri including another WWII hero coming home, Irish Civil Registration records (free and online!), Russian window art, not one but two graves in the middle of roads, and an Ellis Island cartoon. Take a browse and see what catches your eye!
Since our recent move to Florida, I'm sort of struggling to recognize seasons, but even so, I wish you all a wonderful Autumn launch with lots of roots discoveries in store!

Seton Shields Genealogy Grant #197
This quarter, I’m awarding a grant to Mac Titmus and his co-volunteers of Long Island Genealogy.
Long Island Genealogy was established in 1993 as an online regional resource for the Long Island, New York area. Their surname database (Long Island Surnames) contains 3,024,279 people, 1,140,651 families and 159,235 sources. 99% of their information comes from the combined research of 3-4 individuals done over the past 20 years. A small group of dedicated researchers who believe family heritage makes us who we are, they respond to several hundred requests for information monthly. The site is totally maintained and paid for through donation; they never charge for information.
Long Island research can actually be quite challenging, so I'm really happy to support a resource I've found to be so helpful. Mac would like to file for not-for-profit status, which has a number of costs associated with it. If you'd like to join me in supporting the service they provide to researchers, you can donate at their site (you'll find a donation button near the top of the home page).
To apply for a Seton Shields genealogy grant, fill out and submit the form here. You can see examples of past grant awards here.
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The Genealogy Professional Podcast
Hey, y'all, Marian Pierre-Louis grilled me about my genealogical career on her Genealogy Professional podcast, so you might want to check it out. I've done a lot of interviews over the years, but it's always interesting speaking with Marian because you never know what the next question is going to be! Check out her new Facebook page for this podcast and some of her other interviews while you're there!
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Genealogy Round Up, September 14

Photo Credit:
British celebs share family histories for refugee campaign – Interesting concept. I wonder how many of us have "refugenes."
Catalonia: DNA tests to identify Spain's civil war dead – Pleased that there seem to be more and more such projects.
Police may someday identify suspects by their hair, say scientists
The Persistent Racism of America's Cemeteries
Blacksmith Joe Brown forges awards from Statue of Liberty pieces – Special award for this year's recipients!
Grave in the Road
The Tiny Scottish Village that became the Unlikely Las Vegas of the 19th Century – An interesting overview of the original Gretna Green by Messy Nessy Chic
Hanks home still standing – Hope the owners will respond so something can get done about this house!
Rugby Colony: A failed utopian experiment for British expats in the American South is now a Victorian village frozen in time
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Genealogy Round Up, September 7
‘Chasing Portraits’ recounts journey into lost world
History in a bottle: unique documents belonging to UPA family found in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Work on Grave in the Road finished; Route reopens, renamed to honor family
Retrospective TV special reflects on celebrities’ family history – So they're going back to Australian celebs and asking about the impact of appearing on Who Do You Think You Are? and learning about their roots. Wish other countries' versions would do this as well!
Exquisitely detailed model homes function as nightlights – Of course I would be drawn to the Vratislavia one ...
Irish Civil Registration records already live, though not all records have digitized images. Still - exciting stuff!
Roots: Melissa McCarthy – Still wondering why Melissa McCarthy's grandfather changed the family name from Carty to McCarthy! This article also appears in the August-September 2016 issue of Irish America on pages 72-73.

Photo Credit: DFree /
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Genealogy Round Up, August 31

Photo Credit: Nalichniki via Instagram
The Disappearing Romance of Russia’s Window Art – Love this from Messy Nessy Chic. I know I've got lots of window shots from Osturna! These are perhaps a little fancier - well, maybe a lot! But I love both versions.
37% think their family hasn't moved up in the world over the past century
Willard Suitcases / Names – Good (if somehwat vague) news from New York.
Rethinking architecture for the dead: views from the world’s tallest cemetery – Also from Messy Nessy Chic, A Tomb with a View - the world's tallest cemetery. And yes, they charge more for a view.
Florida Georgia Line Dig Their Roots, Premiere New Video at NYC's Famed Ellis Island – OK, I don't know these fellows, but I like the name of their new album and that they premiered their latest video at Ellis Island!
Lakeside Photo Works Concert Mats – Here's a fun way to capture a musical memory!
WWII hero's remains to be buried in R.I. after 74 years – Shared by Tina Wood about Cpt Elwood Euart - the hero at the heart of one of my Army cases.
Birth certificates now unlock past for some Missouri adoptees
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Genealogy Round Up, August 24
Ellis Island Cartoon Video – OK, this promotes that tiresome myth that names were changed at Ellis Island, but still, it's kind of cool to see a cartoon about Ellis Island. And um, you'll need a sense of humor!
Inside the World's Only Surviving Tattoo Shop For Medieval Pilgrims – 700 years in the same business!
23andMe's Consumer DNA Data Gold Mine Is Starting To Pay Off
Two Summer Titles Tell Explosive, Expansive Family Stories
Genealogist finds Tim Kaine also has Irish roots in Cork
Soldier Missing From World War II Accounted For (Euart) – So pleased to learn that one of my soldiers has been identified and will now be buried. The provided link shares more about the heroics of Army Capt. Elwood J. Euart.
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Upcoming Events
After traveling around and speaking in 40 states and half a dozen countries, I decided to take a breather from the road to tend to some projects. That said, I'm sharing exceptions here. And by the way, you can see if I’ll be in your area any time by checking my Events Calendar.
- October 6, 2016 - Ritz-Carlton, NYC - "Our Ellis Island Ancestors" - Private Event
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