How’s this for a good looking audience?  These are the folks who joined me in Cherry Hill, NJ, my local B&N.  Thanks so much for coming out!



A first!  I’ve never had 4 generations of a family turn up for one of my events, but that’s what you’re seeing here – Linda, Megan, Emory and Genevieve (aka Jean) – an mtDNA line demonstration!

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Much to my delight, Sandra and Edward Blancha, came to the Cherry Hill event.  Edward and Sandra’s nephew is Steven Tyler of American Idol and Aerosmith.  I wrote about Edward’s immigrant father’s unexpected modification of the family name – a tale you’ll find in the “No, Your Name Wasn’t Changed at Ellis Island” chapter.  BTW, in Sandra’s hand, you’ll see a copy of a book written by Edward’s uncle who went to Argentina.  I managed to snag a copy from Poland!



My ever-helpful husband, Brian, joined me once again.  Note the screen and extension cord.  Prep time!



Here are some of the folks who came to the Philadelphia signing.  There’s something about the front row that tends to intimidate people!  BTW, the fellow in brown on the left amazed us all telling us about his 111-year-old great-grandmother!



The good people at Barnes & Noble in Philadelphia were kind enough to place my book with the new arrivals (see the red arrow).  I’m in some pretty interesting company!  Thanks, Rosene!
