British celebs share family histories for refugee campaign – Interesting concept. I wonder how many of us have “refugenes.”

Catalonia: DNA tests to identify Spain’s civil war dead – Pleased that there seem to be more and more such projects.

Police may someday identify suspects by their hair, say scientists

The Persistent Racism of America’s Cemeteries

Blacksmith Joe Brown forges awards from Statue of Liberty pieces – Special award for this year’s recipients!

Grave in the Road

The Tiny Scottish Village that became the Unlikely Las Vegas of the 19th Century – An interesting overview of the original Gretna Green by Messy Nessy Chic

Hanks home still standing – Hope the owners will respond so something can get done about this house!

Rugby Colony: A failed utopian experiment for British expats in the American South is now a Victorian village frozen in time

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