Why Do Archivists Get Rid Of Things (And Enjoy It)? – Food for thought

Meg Ryan’s Irish Heritage – In case you hadn’t heard, Meg Ryan’s got a new movie coming out that’s something of a return to her rom-com roots, so I decided to look into her other ones.

Texas WWII veteran to buried in Belton, 80 years after his death – Welcome home, Tech. Sgt. Turner Yearwood Johnston. Honored to have researched your family.

Ancestry Launches Parental Traits Inheritance; Bringing a deeper understanding of which parent’s DNA has the most influence on their offspring’s unique DNA makeup – Interesting, but I already know I’m a spice-loving, risk-taking, eat/drink-anything, boogie-down, non-sneezing introvert – and with the exception of the hothead trait (self-induced 🌶), I know exactly which came from Mom, from Dad, and from both!

The 5 Clones in Argentina’s Election – So the guy who might be Argentina’s next president plans on appointing a “national cloner” due to his beloved 5-pack of cloned dogs.

AI Is About to Photoshop Your Memories – I know we genealogists have been thinking about this.

These identical twins dress alike daily. They are 84 years old. – These two are getting serious mileage out of their twindom! 😆

Don’t ever change, AI: 😆 🗽

Top Photo Credit: Quinn Dombrowski under Creative Commons license

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