Adventurer Elise Wortley Recreates the Journeys of Famous Female Explorers – An intriguing (and challenging!) way to pay tribute to some adventurous women who have come before!

Texas Airman Accounted For From WWII – Welcome home, Tech. Sgt. Frank Cross Ferrel. Honored to have researched your family.

For years he sang about the Irish teen who was Ellis Island’s first arrival. Then he learned she was his cousin. – Delighted to see Annie Moore of Ellis Island got a little love from CNN on St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️🗽

1931 Census Of Canada To Be Released On June 1, 2023

Captured in Time: Nameless English Singing Girls upon Arrival in America in 1890 – I began this series to introduce people to the E.W. Austin immigrant photo collection. So many are familiar with the historic Ellis Island images taken by Augustus Sherman & Lewis Hine, but hardly anyone knows of these which were earlier: 1890-92.

But I wasn’t expecting the remarkable stories spilling out of the photos (seen colorized). My intention was to try to identify the people in them and find descendants, but then I got caught up in the dramas behind each one.

Like the one about the tragedy of the Lillicrap family. Within a year, the mother and baby in their photo would both be dead. Or the one of a stunning young Syrian woman whose life would take an unexpected turn. And then there’s this one about a hearty 8-year-old who crossed the Atlantic by himself. And now my latest about English singing girls brought to America by an Italian padrone. It doesn’t go where you might expect it to.

Get out your hammers, everyone! Maybe they’ll help us eat our family trees! 😅😂🤣
(AI Trivia Generator when asked about genealogy)

Somerset woman sells house after 102 years living there – Not every day a 104-year-old sells the house she’s been living in for 102 years. 😮

Long-Lost Letters Bring Word, at Last – I read about this before someplace else, but still sort of mind blowing, eh? Imagine learning that one of your ancestors left a trace in this collection!

A 90-Year-Old Tortoise Named Mr. Pickles Is a New Dad of Three – The family tree crawls on. 🐢 🌳

Meet the Archive Moles – I’d say that genealogists are archive moles of a slightly different sort.

Photo Credit (Alexandra David-Néel in Lhasa, Tibet, 1924): Public Domain


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