Personal Genetics – I was not expecting to see this today! An oldie, but a goodie. Kevin Kelly weighing in on genetic genealogy.

Ask the Experts with Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak – Hey, y’all, look who I’m going to be chatting with on June 18th! Diahan Southard – Your DNA Guide

Dr. John Philip Colletta Returns from Retirement to Help Students Memorialize Their Family History – Whoa! John Philip Colletta was the first person I took genealogy classes from (a multi-week course at the Smithsonian), and he still stands out. An outstanding researcher and gifted speaker. This is a great opportunity if you didn’t get to see him before he retired!

“No Man Left Behind” is so much more than a slogan to me.

Shiny Object Ancestors: The Ones We Can’t Resist – Have you had this experience?

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