Marines misidentified one man in iconic 1945 Iwo Jima photo – He never told them. Harold Schultz, a hero twice over.

Bidens embrace extended Irish family in Co Mayo – More on the family reunion in Ireland . . .

Joe Biden has links to Louth and Mayo, says US genealogist

The Strange History of Microfilm, Which Will Be With Us for Centuries – Microfilm and pigeons. Who knew?

One Guy’s Quest to Save the 1960s Time Capsule Homes of America – A trip down memory lane from Messy Nessy Chic. Who else used to decorate with all the Christmas cards?

I can’t even believe this. I tweeted my piece on Lin-Manual Miranda’s family story last night, and he did this! What’s even better is that lots of non-genies are reading it and saying that they want to look into their own roots! I can’t stop grinning!

Lin-Manuel Miranda tweet


Photo Credit: The Marine Corps War Memorial is based on the iconic photograph taken by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal of six soldiers raising the American flag at Iwo Jima on February 23, 1945. The photo used in this post was generously shared with Creative Commons licensing by Mark Goebel via Flickr









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