Over 100 years of death records become available online thanks to WPGS efforts – Great news for those with Allegheny County roots!

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Young, C.) – Welcome home, Tech Sgt Charles Edward Young. Honored to have researched your family. #hero

Ask the Experts with Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak – If y’all are in the mood for a little genealogy chit-chat, please consider watching this conversation I had with Diahan Southard, Your DNA Guide. We had a lot of fun and I hope you will too! ☺️

The mysterious tyranny of trendy baby names – Excellent article on US baby names over time.👶 Will surprise you!

Genetic Genealogy’s First Decade – Curious about the early days of genetic genealogy? Curious about the early days of genetic genealogy? I got you covered (thanks to Your DNA Guide!).


Top Photo Credit: Birth and Death Certificate Research – City of Minneapolis Archives under Creative Commons license