Since 1954, Veselka has been serving up Ukrainian food from the same location in the heart of the East Village – Happy 70th to Veselka! So fun to read the family history! 🇺🇦🌈

UPDATED: Owner of Pageturners sells mysterious 318-year-old Bible to local collector – Fingers crossed that the new owner bought it to do the sleuthing to return it to the family of origin. 🤞

The Great Cousin Decline – Food for thought!

132 years ago, 17 year-old Annie Moore of Ireland was the first immigrant to arrive at Ellis Island. It took 4 years of research, but I finally managed to pluck her out of obscurity back in 2006. Seen here with her brothers on Jan. 1, 1892.

The Low Down on the Greatest Dictionary Collection in the World – I wish I had known Madeline Kripke.

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Hurst, R.) – Welcome home, Pvt. Robert Lee A. Hurst. Honored to have researched your family.

Photo Credit: Chun Yip So under Creative Commons license

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