Your ancestry is a lot more than just DNA – Well, this is unexpected. Got a genealogy shout-out on Medium today!

How will you be remembered? Here’s how to adopt a ‘legacy’ mind-set.

BIG win on USCIS fees – Wow, they listened!

23andMe’s Fall From $6 Billion to Nearly $0 – Well, I can’t get beyond the paywall, but this is certainly newsworthy for the genealogy community.

‘I didn’t realise I was so loved’: the people hosting their own ‘living funerals’

Bruce Springsteen accepts Ellis Island award with his mother & aunts – Ah, I see Bruce Springsteen’s mother passed. If you’d like to see a sweet memory of this lovely, mighty woman, you might want to watch Bruce with his mother and her sisters when he was honored at Ellis Island. They join him about 3 minutes in.

Thomas Pursell’s Escape Burial Hatch – Can never be too safe when it comes to burial, eh?

More African Americans work to recover names of ancestors from before 1870 – Renate Yarborough-Sanders!!

At 116, She Has Outlived Generations of Loved Ones. But Her Entire Town Has Become Family. – Happy 116th, Edie!

World War II soldier from Metropolis, Illinois accounted for by Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency – Welcome home, Tech Sgt. William Luster Leukering. Honored to have researched your family.

Photo Credit: exakta under Creative Commons license

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