You know what’s cool? Finding a photo of your dad at the National Archives! I was exploring the online catalog and spotted a collection of alpha-index cards for 20th century US military photos. Looked up my father, and sure enough, there was an entry. This is from when he was a battalion commander in Germany in 1974. It pays to be curious, even if randomly so!

Top Photo: National Archives photo no. 111-SC-669713

The Quest for Annie Moore of Ellis Island – My book about Annie Moore, the first immigrant to arrive at Ellis Island, is available for pre-order now (Feb 17th release date). 🗽

A Conversation with Megan Smolenyak – This event was scheduled early last year, so the timing is a complete coincidence, but I’ll be chatting over Zoom with the Irish Genealogical Research Society on February 16th – the day before the release of my Annie Moore of Ellis Island book.

Killed in World War II, Staff Sgt. Felix Shostak has been accounted for – Welcome home, Staff Sgt. Felix J Shostak. Honored to have assisted with your identification. #hero #WWII