The Quest for Annie Moore of Ellis Island – OFFICIAL RELEASE DAY for “The Quest for Annie Moore of Ellis Island”! 😊🗽
(only took 22 years 😏)

Soldier Accounted For From WWII (Schopp, E.) – Welcome home, Private Erwin Henry Schopp. Honored to have assisted with your identification. (2016) #hero #WWII

Florence Pugh ‘wasn’t supposed to live’ as she recalls heartbreaking diagnosis – I’ve spent much of my career being too early for my own good and this is an example. Years ago, I made the rounds with Marcus Samuelsson for a “Cooking with Roots” series, but this was before there was an entire genealogical genre of tv programming, so none of the execs we met could grasp the potential. Enter “No Taste Like Home.” Bummed to not have gotten to do this myself, but very glad it now exists as it sounds as if they’ve done a great job!

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