As a way to celebrate the upcoming 15th anniversary of her Seton Shields Genealogical Grants program, Megan asked me to share thank you notes that she’s received over the years from grant recipients. (“Me” is Megan’s assistant, Nicole, by the way.) 🙂

First up is a look back at the Johnson County Historical Society, which received a grant in 2010. They had recently opened a Heritage Center with museum displays and a research center with the goal of becoming a one-stop-shop for family history research in Johnson County, Arkansas. To that end, they were compiling a database of all known deaths in the county from printed sources, funeral home records and family researcher records. The grant helped to fund a storage solution to back up this county burial database, which was 80 MB in size at the time and growing exponentially.

To apply for a Seton Shields grant, fill out and submit the form here.

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