Genealogy Roundup, March 13
How does it make you feel to know that soldiers who gave their all and were lost in action are remembered and brought home, even many decades later?
How does it make you feel to know that soldiers who gave their all and were lost in action are remembered and brought home, even many decades later?
What are your thoughts and feelings when you read that the vast majority of keynote speakers at genealogy conferences are men, despite the fact that the vast majority of genealogists are female? Admittedly, this could be a contentious issue, but let's not be contentious ourselves. All voices are welcome, so long as civility and respect are shown.
Did you know that there's such a thing as a genetic counselor these days? Unexpected results from a DNA test can bring up all sorts of feelings, complicated and otherwise. Would the possibility of a surprise make you hold back from doing a DNA test?
Can you imagine what it would be like to know nothing of your family history and how you would feel if you got to speak to your birth mother after a search that lasted more than sixty years? Read one woman's account of just this situation – plus explore many more goodies, including news of a soldier lost in the Korean War accounted for – in this week's Roundup.
Ever wondered why no reward is seemingly too low for some cybercriminals to target? In the case of DNA test kits mailed to random strangers, the prize hackers had their eyes on were ten-dollar gift cards. Get the full story on this – and more – in this week's Roundup!
In this week's Roundup: A father shares what made him decide to take a DNA test and the ensuing story of meeting his children for the first time.
In this week's Roundup: Remains of Tuskegee Airman missing since WWII identified, a chuckle-of-the-day story about hairstyles at Ellis Island, and CentiMorgans explained
In this week's Roundup: A PBS documentary about Tuskegee airman CPT Lawrence Everett Dickson, facial recognition technology, and more...
In this week's Roundup: The kind of surprises you might encounter when you DNA test, a fun toy alert, and the funeral announcement for a U.S. serviceman accounted for from the Korean War.
In this week's Roundup: A fun toy alert, a soldier lost in the Vietnam War to be buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery, Warhol photography archives to be made publicly available, and more.