How To Live With Your Digital Doppelgängers – Hoping I’ve got a while longer before this becomes an issue for me. 🙏

Transkribus User Conference 2022 – A whole conference “that brings together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines to explore the future of handwritten text recognition” – with particular emphasis on technology for doing so!

Their ancestors came to America. After Dobbs, they want out. – Have been wondering when this phenomenon would get covered.

“Paige thinks her great-grandparents might even be proud of her efforts to find a way out. ‘They came over looking to the future, right? They probably had a similar thing, where they had to break up with their past,’ she says. ‘In that way, it almost feels like the family tradition.'”

For the First Time, Government Asks Public for Input on Census Design – Want to weigh in on the 2030 census design?
h/t (@dickeastman,